


Major milestone reached in the establishment of Rugby School Japan [Approval in Progress]

On July 25th 2022, the Governor of Chiba Prefecture (Toshihito Kumagai) formally approved the establishment plan for Rugby School Japan [Approval in Progress] (RSJ), the first ever British boarding school in the Greater Tokyo area. This milestone moment for RSJ is accompanied by project partner Mitsui Fudosan’s impressive architectural renderings of the RSJ campus and development plans for the surrounding area, in the heart of Kashiwanoha’s Smart City in Chiba prefecture, Japan.

[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/83478/5/resize/d83478-5-85f954255a7a0d60b88a-0.png ]

Rugby School Japan [Approval in Progress] is scheduled to open in August 2023. The development of RSJ is led in Japan by the CEA Group, in close collaboration with the Rugby School Group.

Highlights of the RSJ campus in Kashiwanoha Smart City include:

Design Concept:

Timeless design inspired by Rugby School’s architectural DNA, namely a traditional “quad”, townhouse building facade and a modern interpretation of Butterfield architecture.
Garden Campus, comprising 12 x green areas within the newly landscaped RSJ grounds, including a central green courtyard, house gardens, Principal’s garden and rooftop gardens. RSJ will preserve around 300 existing trees and plant over 100 new trees on the former Chiba University horticulture campus site.
Sustainable architecture, drawing on Mitsui Fudosan’s experience in Zero Emission Buildings and Zero Energy Houses. The RSJ project involves a hybrid approach - renovating legacy structures and weaving in new buildings to create a one-of-a-kind sustainable boarding school campus.

State-of-the-art Facilities:
In addition to regular classrooms, RSJ pupils will have access to international-standard learning and co-curricular spaces including science rooms, visual art studios, a gallery, design & technology rooms, a medical centre, a lecture theatre, an indoor swimming pool, a blackbox theatre, Harlequin floor dance studio, debate rooms, a Sixth-form centre, a library, a cafeteria, reading rooms, music rooms and recording studios, a gymnasium, rugby and soccer fields, tennis courts, multi-purpose courts, a formal dining hall and common rooms.

Strategic Location:
Just 30 minutes from Central Tokyo by Tsukuba Express Line and part of the Kashiwa-no-ha smart city and international campus town, RSJ will proudly sit alongside other world-leading academic and research institutions including Japan’s top universities, Chiba University and The University of Tokyo. The RSJ campus is within walking distance to Chiba Prefectural Kashiwanoha Park (which includes the multi-use Kashiwanoha Park Stadium with capacity for 20,000 spectators).

Peter Green, Executive Headmaster of Rugby School Group, says:
“Rugby School Japan will be an authentic interpretation of Rugby School England, respectful of the cultural context of Japan. We understand that boarding and our House system may be unfamiliar concepts. So too our wide range of co-curricular activities and our enthusiasm for sport, especially team sport. We are an unashamedly academic school but we believe that academic qualifications are just one aspect of a properly rounded education, so sport, music and drama are integral, not extras.”

“We are delighted at the level of interest already expressed by families living in Japan , especially as they find out about our small class sizes, our approach to learning which encourages creativity, problem solving and critical thinking, and our globally-minded attitude towards education and growing up. Opening in Japan is a very exciting development for us and we look forward to extending our spirit of community to our new sister school.”

Lori Henderson MBE, Managing Director of Clarence Education Asia, says:
“We are truly delighted by this most recent development, which comes as a result of three years of hard work by all parties involved. We are incredibly grateful to the Governor of Chiba, and all members of the Private Schools Council for approving our plan to bring one of the best international schools to Japan. This project has come to fruition with the unwavering support and trust from our most valued Japanese partners Mitsui Fudosan and Chiba University, as well as the Rugby School Group.”

“RSJ is situated at a strategic location in Asia - Tokyo is the largest metropolis in the world and home to over 38 million people. We look forward to welcoming international families from the East and the West to RSJ.”

“The CEA Group currently operates two international schools in Tokyo, Clarence International School (for ages 2-5) and Phoenix House (for ages 5-11) which will become official feeder schools for RSJ. RSJ pupils and the wider RSJ community will enjoy priority access to other facilities under CEA’s management: North Peak Enrichment Campus (Hidaka, Hokkaido) for outdoor and boarding-school education; and Hokkaido Home Farm (Abira, Hokkaido) for polo, equestrian and organic farming activities throughout the four seasons.”

Rugby School Japan Project Partners
Rugby School https://www.rugbyschool.co.uk
CEA Group https://www.clarenceeducation.asia
Mitsui Fudosan https://www.mitsuifudosan.co.jp/english
Chiba University https://www.chiba-u.ac.jp/e


[画像2: https://prtimes.jp/i/83478/5/resize/d83478-5-13d3d109b6c961b4f9ef-5.png ]

[画像3: https://prtimes.jp/i/83478/5/resize/d83478-5-7911eefff617cfe23110-6.png ]

[画像4: https://prtimes.jp/i/83478/5/resize/d83478-5-3d81903764f8e3a7f9e0-3.jpg ]

[画像5: https://prtimes.jp/i/83478/5/resize/d83478-5-122c3776d27287bb679b-4.jpg ]

[画像6: https://prtimes.jp/i/83478/5/resize/d83478-5-357465eea9024eebdb4b-7.jpg ]

[画像7: https://prtimes.jp/i/83478/5/resize/d83478-5-950d5d7d68271f783661-8.png ]


千葉県知事は、首都圏初の英国系ボーディングスクールRugby School Japan(認可申請中)の設置計画を承認しました。Rugby School Japan (認可申請中)の設立に向けて重要なマイルストーンを達成したことになります。それに伴い三井不動産及びパートナーたちはRugby School Japan (認可申請中)の柏の葉キャンパスのパースを初めて公開しました。

2022年7月25日、千葉県知事(熊谷俊人)によって正式にRugby School Japan(認可申請中)(以下、RSJ)の設置計画が承認されました。この記念すべき節目に、プロジェクトパートナーの三井不動産は、柏の葉スマートシティの中心部に位置するRSJと付帯施設のパースを初めて公開しました。

Rugby School Japan (認可申請中)は2023年8月に開校予定であり、首都圏で初めての英国系ボーディングスクールです。新設の日本校は、エリザベス女王1世の時代の1567年に設立された英国で最も古いインディペンデントスクールのRugby Schoolと、CEA Groupとの緊密な連携によって展開されるプロジェクトです。


Rugby School Japan (認可申請中)の柏の葉におけるキャンパスの概要:


Rugby School本校の建築を貫くDNAにインスピレーションを得たタイムレスなデザイン




男女共学 定員780名 (初年度は160名募集予定)
初代校長:トニー・ダービー氏(Rugby School本校で経験を積み、2021年12月にRSJ(認可申請中)への招聘が決定)
主なフィーダースクールはPhoenix House International School Tokyo
Rugby School Japan ウェブサイト:https://www.rugbyschooljapan.com

Rugby School Group エグゼクティブヘッドマスター ピーターグリーン校長より

「Rugby School Japan(認可申請中)は、日本の文化的側面に配慮しながら、英国のRugby SchoolのDNAを忠実に受け継ぎます。ボーディングスクールとハウスシステムは、日本ではまだ慣れ親しまれているコンセプトではないでしょう。また、学業と並行する幅広い自主活動やスポーツ(特にチームスポーツ)への情熱は、類をみないものです。私たちは学業をとても重視する学校です。しかし同時に成績は、全人的な教育の一面でしかなく、スポーツ、音楽、演劇などとは切っても切り離せない存在なのです。


CEA Group マネージングディイレクター ロリ ヘンダーソン氏より

「この度の設置計画の承認をとても嬉しく思います。これは3年間準備に携わった全てのパートナーが協力した記念すべき出来事です。特に千葉県知事と私学審議会のメンバーの皆様には、最も優れたインターナショナルスクールの一つを千葉県に誘致する計画を承認していただき、お礼申し上げたいと思います。このプロジェクトはまた、我々のかけがえのない日本のパートナーである三井不動産及び千葉大学によって支えられています。RSJ(認可申請中)は、アジアの中で重要な立地にあります。東京は世界最大の都市圏として3,800万人の人口を抱えており、そこにアジアと西欧から多くの国際的なファミリーを呼び込みたいと考えています。CEAはすでに東京でインターナショナルスクールを2校運営しています。Clarence International School(2-5才対象)とPhoenix House International School (5-11才対象)です。両校はRSJのフィーダースクールともなるでしょう。またCEAは、RSJ(認可申請中)の生徒たちとそのコミュニティに北海道のNorth Peak(日高町)と北海道ホームファーム(安平町)の優先的な使用権を与え、アウトドア教育、ポロ、馬術、農業等の四季折々のアクティビティを提供していきたいと考えています。

Rugby School https://www.rugbyschool.co.uk
CEA Group https://www.clarenceeducation.asia
Mitsui Fudosan https://www.mitsuifudosan.co.jp
Chiba University https://www.chiba-u.ac.jp
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